- 可以选择英式发音和美式*发音。选择英式发音的时候,[r]这个音在单词的最后出现,只有当紧随其后是元音是才会发音。这样是为了符合英式发音的音标。
- 使用国际音标符号。
- 文本和句子的结构(换行符,标点符号等等)都会在输出的音标转换中保留,这样能便于阅读。
- 如果单词在整句句子中处于强调或者弱读的位置,比如在连续的演讲中,会有一个选项以选择不同的发音方式(可以选择 “显示弱读形式”)。输出中的弱形式以斜体显示。
- 如果这个单词在数据库里找不到,该单词会被处理成大写形式,就如同首字母缩写词一样。 首字母缩写词的每个字母之间会用连接符进行连接。
- 数据库里除了包含常用词汇以外,还包括了大量的地名(包括国家的名字,他们的首都,美国州名,英联邦国家),国籍以及比较流行的人名。
- 你可以在两个栏里同时输出文本以及英标注解,这样可以更方便地进行对照。实现该功能只要在转换的时候在相应的选择项前打勾即可。
- 当一个单词有多种不同的发音时(输出时会用蓝色字体高亮标出),你只需要点击符合上下文的那个发音选项即可。只要将鼠标移到单词上,就能看到一个包含多种可能发音的弹窗。
注意一个单词的不同发音可能连含义都会发生变化亦或是同一种发音可以代表不同的含义。如果你不确定哪个发音比较符合文本的上下文,请查阅字典。 - 我们会经常修订字典数据库,以更新的流行词汇(在输出框里会用红色字体高亮显示)。
- 在浏览器与语音合成支持(Safari, Chrome),文本可大声读出。
*) American transcriptions are based on the open Carnegie Mellon University Pronouncing Dictionary.
NB: Audio playback!
The speech playback feature is heavily dependant on the OS/browser combination you use. If you want your comments about audio quality to be helpful, please, mention your OS and browser (ideally with versions).
At the moment we recommend Chrome for full audio playback functionality, which includes
Safari dev team has been progressively destroying its in-browser voice support over the last few years and has other TTS implementation issues they don’t seem to be willing to address. There’s little we can do about it at the moment, unfortunately.
Let us know how Audio playback works for you by replying to this comment, especially if you use less common OS/browsers. Thanks!
I’m on Firefox/Windows, and it’s not working for me.
This is such a great webpage – thank you! It would be great if we could share the results via a hardcoded link or similar.
Thank you for the suggestion. This feature has been added recently. Clicking the “link” icon below the output will copy the URL into your pasteboard so you can paste it from there.
For “burrow”, toPhonetics gives a long “ir” as in “bird” sound for the UK pronunciation of the first syllable, which no other dictionary I have consulted agrees with, nor have I ever been aware of this pronunciation in the UK.
UK /ˈbɜːrəʊ/
US /ˈbɜroʊ/
All other sources have a short “uh” as in “up” or a schwa.
https://dictionary.cambridge.org/pronunciation/english/burrow gives
How to pronounce burrow
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/burrow gives:
(US only) ˈbə-(ˌ)rō
https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/american_english/burrow_1 gives:
https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english-pronunciations/burrow gives:
British English: bʌroʊ
American English: bɜroʊ
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/burrow gives:
(UK) /ˈbʌɹəʊ/
(US) /ˈbʌɹoʊ/
(US) /ˈbɜɹoʊ/ (hurry–furry merger)
“bass” should be blue. The singing voice is beɪs, the fish are bæs
How many syllabes ‘word’ has, whwre is the stress, and how many scha’s does it have?
Nice thank you’re goat
These is great, fantastic, useful, wonderful and helpful to me as I am an English Olympiad Participant.
you should add the word “euouae”
Tại sao e dán 1 đoạn văn dài mà app chỉ đọc được mấy chữ là sao ạ
Hi! Why do you call these phonetic transcriptions? They are phonemic transcriptions. Some broad phonetic transcriptions coincide with their phonemic transcriptions, but not always. For example, the broadest phonetic transcription for butter in GenAm is [ˈbʌɾɚ] (tap realization of /t/), while the phonemic transcription is /ˈbʌtər/.
You are correct, the website provides phonemic transcriptions. It’s just “phonetic transcription” is a familiar term to a wider audience. Sorry for the confusion.
It is very good ?
Find the mistakes (2 en each):
1. ɪz ‘gləʊbəl ‘wɔːmɪn ə’fektɪŋ ðə ‘wedə || ‘ɔːlsəʊ | kən wɪ duː ‘sʌmθɪŋ ə’baʊt ɪt/
/jes | ɪt ɪz | ənd jes | wɪ kæn/
2. /jes sɜː || ɪz ‘enɪθɪŋ rɒn/
/wel | ‘sʌmθɪŋ ‘sətənlɪ ɪz/
3. /gʊd || wɒt kəŋ’kluːʒəns həv jʊ riːʧd ə’baʊt ðə məʊtɪ’veɪʃən bɪ’haɪnd ðə ‘mɜːdərəz ‘ækʃən/